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Education & Competitions

Following the advice of her first teachers, Dessy started to play piano when she was 6 years old. Yet, at the age of 8, she devoted herself to the flute. She became a talented young musician at the National School of Arts ''Prof. Vesselin Stoyanov'' in her home city Rousse, Bulgaria, where she studied with Mr Ivan Evstatiev. Soon after, she moved to Sofia, to the National School of Music “Liubomir Pipkov”, where she studied in the class of Prof. Georgi Spassov. After graduating from the school, Dessy continued studying with Prof. Spassov at the National Academy of Music “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov”, where she obtained her Bachelor of Music. Following her graduation, in 2014 Dessy obtained her Master's degree in the class of Prof. Berten D'Hollander at the Lemmensinstituut in Leuven, Belgium.

The years of secondary and higher education had a profound influence on Dessy's musical growth. During that time she participated in and won prizes from various competitions for solo and chamber music such as "Young Virtuosos" in Sofia, "National Competition for German and Austrian Music" in Burgas, Bulgaria, the Dutch International Flute Competition in Ittervoort, The Netherlands and International Music Academy and Festival in Cremona, Italy.


Masterclasses & Festivals

Dessy attended numerous masterclasses with the world's most distinguished musicians among which Sir James Galway, Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson, Emily Beynon, Prof. Berten D’Hollander, Prof. Dieter Flury, Prof. Peter-Lucas Graf, Prof. Robert Winn, Andras Adorjan, Prof. Georgi Spasov, Prof. Lydia Oshavkova, Maurizio Simeoli and Albrecht Mayer. 

She also participated in different festivals in Europe such as the Adams International Flute Festival in Ittervoort, The Netherlands, Festival des Minimes, Brussels, Belgium, Cremona International Music Festival, Cremona, Italy, Solothurn Classics, Solothurn, Switzerland and March Music Days, Rousse, Bulgaria.


Orchestra experience


Dessy's orchestra experience includes positions in Germany, the United Kingdom, and Bulgaria.

Particularly strong influence makes the prestigious Rousse State Opera in Rousse, Bulgaria, where Dessy won a solo piccolo and associate principal flute position at the age of 24. The great number of projects at the previously called Opera & Philharmonic Society helped Dessy to gather an extremely rich experience in symphonic and operatic music.


Her orchestral repertoire includes over 30 operas, among which are the most beloved works of Verdi, Puccini, Mozart, Donizetti, Bizet, and Rossini. As a symphonic musician, Dessy played a large number of works including those of Tchaikovsky, Richard Strauss, Stravinsky, Beethoven, Debussy, Ravel, Vladigerov, Gershwin, and Bernstein.


This solid experience led the young musician to perform in emblematic halls such as Mozarteum Salzburg, Austria, along with foremost soloists such as Katia Ricciarelli, Leo Nucci, Mario Malagnini, Ventseslav Anastasov, Kamen Chanev, Jon Lord, Svetlin Rusev, Michele Crider, Noemi Nadelmann, Orfeo Zanetti, Noboru Aomori and others.


Dessy worked together with internationally recognised conductors such as Jorma Panula, Jean Yves Gaudin, Giorgio Chroci, Nayden Todorov, Georgi Dimitrov, Emil Tabakov, Nicola Ventrella, Martin Rubio, Edmond Saveniers, Ivo Venkov and others.

Teaching Experience


Dessy has over 7 years of experience in teaching flute and piano. During her years in Germany, she held a position as a flute teacher at Gesamtschule Holweide and Musikschule Erftstadt in Cologne, providing one-to-one tuition and group lessons. She also let small ensembles and prepared students for orchestra performances. 

Ever since living in the United Kingdom, Dessy has been working as a flute and piano teacher, following school syllabuses, ABRSM and Trinity criteria. She held positions at the Dotted Note School of Music and was part of the Every Child a Musician Programme, where students have been provided with free lessons and instruments among schools in East London.

Since 2016 Dessy has been working together with the London Music Centre and from 2017 is a piano tutor at Thomas Jones Primary School in Notting Hill, West London.

Recently, Dessy won a position at Heathbrook Primary School in Lambeth, South London, where she provides one-to-one flute lessons.

Parallel to teaching, Dessy is also leading workshops, introducing young children to the world of classical music and flute art.

Special Achievements

In 2016 Dessy was appointed as Artistic Director at Berten D'Hollander's recording project 12 Fantasias for Flute Solo by G.F.Telemann.  

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Десислава Димитрова е българска флейтистка, живееща в Лондон, която разделя времето си между концертна и преподавателска дейност.

Деси е международно признат артист и си сътрудничи със солисти и диригенти от цял свят. Като член на симфонични и оперни оркестри, тя е свирила на сцени като Моцартеум Залцбург, Австрия и е участвала в престижни международни фестивали като Солотурн Класикс, Швейцария и Международна Музикална Академия и Фестивал, Кремона, Италия. 

През 2016 Деси емигрира в Обединеното Кралсвто, а концертната ѝ дейност  включва разнообразнни камерни и симфонични проекти като Лондонския оркестър за филмова музика и камерният оркестър Ретрофоника, където Деси оглавява флейтовата група. 

През 2019 заедно с виолончелиста Шимон Павлас, Деси създава формацията D&P Music, чиято цел е да обедини нацийте чрез средствата на класическата музика.

Освен концертиращ артист, Деси е и вдъхновяващ преподавател по флейта и пиано, ентусиазирана да помогне на всяка възраст и ниво. Понастоящем тя участва в организации като Лондонския музикален център и Всяко дете музикант в Лондон, Обединено кралство Великобритания.

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